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Work package 3: Follow-up disease progression in BADHD rats via neuroimaging, evaluation of potential biomarkers in peripheral blood and CSF

At the University of Tuebingen there is great expertise in specific neuroimaging techniques such as MRI, PET and DTI for transgenic rat models. QPS has broad experience in collecting serum/plasma and especially CSF samples longitudinally from the same rat, and has a Mesoscale platform to test all types of compounds and biological samples. This is of importance for biomarker studies. Within this WP BACHD rats and wildtype will repeatedly examined by MRI, DTI and PET scans in Tuebingen. At QPS the CSF and serum samples will be collected and with help of EKUT measured for cytokines, chemokines, IGF-1 and other potential biomarkers on the Mesoscale platform. The University of Tuebingen will perform 1H-NMR spectroscopy on the serum and CSF samples.

SwitchHD is funded from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme FP7/2012 under grant agreement No. 324495
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